Through Knowledge, PowerThe power to manage creatively for social and economic good.

Officers Roles


The president assists with keeping the officers motivated; leads with whatever schedule is appropriate for chapter operation, including regular business meetings held at minimum the first week in June and December annually as per the bylaws; leads Officers’ meetings; ensures bylaws are understood by Chapter Officers; uses Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, as the parliamentary authority for meetings; moderates the Officer’s Installation Ritual for new officers following the Election of Officers

Vice President

The vice president functions as the chair of chapter activities, including but not limited to, moderating the New Member Induction Ceremony and leading local scholarship activities


The treasurer keeps track of incoming memberships; retains copies of new member payments; assures prompt payment to Central Office for all items ordered; completes the chapter’s Financial Statement; ensures payments for products and scholarship monies are disbursed in a timely manner


The secretary keeps track of the chapter’s records including, but not limited to, creating and retaining minutes of meetings; retains copies of membership data profile (MDP) forms; handles chapter correspondence; completes the Annual Report for the chapter with assistance from other officers and administrative assistant; conducts Officer Elections; monitors NCU Honor Society Discussion Board and answers questions