Through Knowledge, PowerThe power to manage creatively for social and economic good.

Bylaws of the Lambda Eta Chapter





Section 1. The name of this chapter shall be Lambda Eta of the Society chartered under the Laws of Pennsylvania in the name of Delta Mu Delta Honor Society, an International Society in Business Administration.

Section 2. The purpose of the chapter shall be to encourage higher scholarship and to recognize and reward scholastic achievement in business administration programs.

Section 3. The chapter shall be located at Northcentral University in the School of Business and Technology Management.


Section 1. The membership of the Lambda Eta Chapter shall consist of regular and honorary members.

Section 2. The regular membership shall be composed of members elected under the requirements of Section 3 through 6 of ARTICLE II.

Section 3. The Chapter shall elect to membership business or commerce students of good standing, day, or evening division who are:

A. Currently enrolled learners on or after April 9, 2007
B. Undergraduate degree learners that have completed 50% of their degree program but not more than 75% and have a GPA of 3.9 and are in the top 20% of this classification
Undergraduate degree learners that have completed 75% or more of their degree program and have a GPA of 3.75 and are in the top 20% of this classification
C. Masters degree learners need to have completed 75% of their program, have a GPA of not less than 3.75 and in the top 20% of this classification.
D. Doctoral learners in the Ph.D. or D.B.A. program need to have completed their comprehensive examinations, have a GPA not less than 3.75 and in the top 20% of this classification.

(d) Transfer students shall have completed a minimum of 24 semester hours or its equivalent at the school where membership in Delta Mu Delta is to be conferred and have an academic record which meets the requirements of Article II Section 3 a and b.

(e) Transfer students from institutions where there is a chapter of Delta Mu Delta or that has an ACBSP accredited 4-year program and who meet the other requirements for membership may be inducted into membership without the requirement that they have completed a minimum of 24 semester hours or its equivalent at the school where membership is to be conferred.

Section 4. Honorary members may be elected, provided not more than two such honorary members shall be elected annually without approval of the National Executive Council. In the charter year up to six (6) honorary members may be elected without the approval of the National Executive Council. Honorary membership should be awarded to persons of distinguished scholarship, business ability, or leadership. Nothing in this section or in this Article shall be interpreted to mean that the chapter is required to elect an honorary member in any given year.

Section 5. All elections to membership, regular or honorary, shall be made by the Board of Active Members.

Section 6. Each year, on the earliest possible date, the Faculty Adviser shall obtain from the Dean’s Office, a list of the names of those individuals who are eligible for membership under ARTICLE II, Section 3. Each individual on the above list shall be invited to become a member of the Lambda Eta Chapter and to serve on the Board of Active Members.


Section l. The Chapter Officers shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, who shall severally perform the duties assigned to the respective offices. The Officers, the Faculty Adviser and/or the Co-Adviser shall form the Executive Committee of the chapter to administer the affairs of the chapter during the interim between meetings of the Board of Active Members.

(a) The Chapter Officers, President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall be elected by the Board of Active Members annually on/during the first week in December to serve until their successors are elected and shall have qualified. Election shall be by a majority of votes cast. Officers shall serve a 2-year term; beginning January 1 through December 31.  Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the re-election and continuance in office of any officer for an indefinite period.

(b) The Faculty Adviser and/or the Co-Adviser shall be elected by the Board of Active Members with the advice of the Dean of the School. It shall be permissible to elect two Faculty Advisers, one in the Undergraduate School and one in the Graduate School and/or a Co-Adviser in either or both schools. The duties of the Faculty Adviser shall be to enforce compliance of the chapter with chapter’s bylaws, conformance of the chapter with the National Chapter standards and regulations, assist the National Chapter, represent the chapter at the meetings and conventions of the National Chapter, and serve as liaison between the National and local chapter.


Section l. The Board of Active Members shall consist of the Faculty Adviser and/or Co-Adviser and all regular and honorary members who have been inducted into membership and who have indicated that they wish to be active in the affairs of the chapter. Honorary members, the Faculty Adviser and the Co-Adviser do not vote on chapter motions.

Section 2. A Board Member may resign from the Board of Active Members on written notice to the Executive Committee of the chapter.

Section 3. The duties of the Board of Active Members shall be to act for the entire membership of the chapter on all matters normally referred to the chapter members for vote and approval, and to find ways of promoting the interest of Delta Mu Delta.


Section l. The regular business meetings of the Lambda Eta Chapter shall be held during the first week of June and December annually.

Section 2. The Board of Active Member meetings and special meetings may be held at any time during the year, at the call of the President or Executive Committee, and the President shall call a special meeting at the written request of any four members of the chapter. At least five days’ notice of a special meeting shall be sent to each member of the Board.

Section 3. A majority of Active Board Members shall constitute a quorum at any meetings of the Board of Active Members.

Section 4. Any member is privileged to attend any chapter meeting with the exception of the Executive Committee meetings.

Section 5. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the parliamentary authority.


Section l. The membership fee for regular and honorary members shall be determined by the National Chapter of Delta Mu Delta and shall be a lifetime assessment entitling the member to all rights of membership, including the right to wear the gold key of Delta Mu Delta, the right to attend the national meetings and conventions, the right to attend the Board of Active Members Meetings of the local chapter, and receipt of the gold-case key and a certificate of membership.

Section 2. The required National membership assessment shall be paid by the chapter to Delta Mu Delta and sent to the Central Office in the form of a school check, a chapter check, a certified check or money order.

Section 3. Chapter local dues or assessments may be approved by the Board of Active Members.


Section 1. Funds shall be disbursed by the university business office with approval of Faculty Adviser and the Chair of Business and Technology Management.
Section 2. The Treasurer, with the help of the chapter Faculty Adviser, shall submit financial statements and reports to the National Chapter as required.
Section 3. The chapter shall resolve any monies owed for memberships, keys, certificates, or supplies by the end of the fiscal year. Monies owed in excess of $100 for more than 90 days will place the chapter’s status “Not in Good Standing.” See Article X.


The fiscal year of the chapter shall start on July 1 and end on June 30 to conform to the fiscal year of the National Chapter.


The chapter shall have on file with the Central Office a completed, signed, and current copy of the Chapter Bylaws which have been approved by the National Executive Council.


The chapter shall submit to the Central Office of the National Chapter an Annual Report and a Local Chapter Financial Statement for each fiscal year no later than September 30th. Failure to submit these reports places the chapter not in good standing meaning that no credit will be extended to the chapter, no certificates may be issued to new members, and no new members may be inducted into membership in the chapter until the chapter is restored to “Good Standing.”


The chapter shall:
(a) Keep records to identify moneys received for membership dues, national assessments and fees and other income and expenses;

(b) Keep a record of inducted membership, regular and honorary; including the original membership data profile form or its equivalent for each chapter member;

(c) Retain copies of the Annual Reports and Financial Statements.


Section l. The National Chapter’s Bylaws and National Policy Manual shall prevail, and any provisions in the local chapter’s bylaws that conflict with those of the National Chapter shall be automatically null and void.

Section 2. The ritual and insignia of Delta Mu Delta are subject to the ultimate control of the National Chapter and shall be adopted by the local chapter in the same standard form and content.


Section 1. The Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board of Active Members, or at any special meeting of the Board of Active Members called for that purpose, providing the consent of the National Executive Council has been secured.

Section 2. Notice of any proposed amendments shall first be given to all members of the Board of Active Members not less than fifteen days prior to such meeting, and the notice must contain the amendments verbatim.


Upon dissolution of the chapter, or withdrawal of its charter by the National Chapter, all assets of the Chapter remaining after all liabilities have been paid, all equipment bearing the Delta Mu Delta insignia, and all books and records of the chapter, shall be sent to the Central Office, to be held in perpetuity.