Through Knowledge, PowerThe power to manage creatively for social and economic good.

Cynthia J. Wolfe, Ph.D.

Cynthia-J.-Wolfe-150x150Member name: Cynthia J. Wolfe, Ph.D.   (Cindy)
LinkedIn Profile Address:
Member State/Country of residence: Virginia, USA
NCU degree (achieved or in process): Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration, Management

Q: Why did you choose NCU?

A: I have a full time career and a family, and so the only way that I could work on a terminal degree was to find a flexible program designed for people like me.  I did not want to attend classes on campus and so NCU’s online program fulfilled this need.  I was hesitant at first, but after the first class I was doing just fine.  It was almost like an independent study class. 

Q:When did you join Delta Mu Delta:

A:I joined DMD in 2010.

Q:What motivated you to join Delta Mu Delta?

A:I saw a note posted on the Learner page, and said, why not?  I have belonged to a number of organizations and honor societies over the years, and I thought it would be a good item to add to my resume. I also believed it to be one of several ways in which I tried to stay networked with the school.  Having a sense of connection and identity with an online school, it’s staff and students is very important.

Q:What has been the biggest benefit to you through your membership?

A:I met some fantastic people through my association with DMD.  It has been a great pleasure to work with NCU staff who are interested in “excellence at NCU.”

Q:Have you ever held an active role with Delta Mu Delta? If so, was it at the NCU Lambda Eta Chapter level or international level?

A:It was an honor and a pleasure to serve as DMD secretary of our local chapter for a year.  Our goal that year was to get our focus back because there was a bit of a sense that we had drifted.  My personal goal was to help with organizing our Chapter records. My biggest disappointment was that we were not able to develop a Scholarship Program.  I am still hoping that this will become a reality!

Q:If you were talking to someone who was thinking about joining Delta Mu Delta, what would you tell them?

A:I believe that students need a lot of encouragement and support to keep their” learning fires” going.  DMD is one way to develop networks and build relationships in a community of people who are similarly motivated!  Honor societies draw attention to the real mission of education – which is to create a learning space in which individuals can achieve their dreams while solving human problems.  DMD is one of several honor societies at NCU in which students can be recognized for their diligence and hard work. I hope that NCU will always support superior academic endeavors, and honor students and faculty who achieve and succeed. 

Q:If you would like, please share a little bio about yourself: your career, hobbies, whatever you would like to share.

My husband and I live in the country with our two dogs, a cat, a possum who eats the cat’s food, deer, bunnies, and a bear who visits from time to time. Our big family event last year was attending Commencement in Prescott Valley.  We took our children, their spouses, and our grandson and made a big family vacation out of it.  We toured the Grand Canyon, Phoenix, Route 66, Tucson, and everything in between. 

Professionally,  I work full time in supply chain for a large paper company, and teach college courses at two universities (online and campus).  I am an APICS CSCP (Certified Supply Chain Professional).  A colleague and I have done some curriculum work and research on various business topics, as she and I both straddle the academic and business world.  This provides a more holistic approach to our interpretations and teaching.